Characters are allowed a very fluid range of realistic and semi-realistic choices when it comes to their creation and appearance. We encourage creativity while keeping characters believable to the world we have built around it. Below, you will find information about FSTS realism in terms of appearance, physicality, apparel and species!



The realism we allow in Tales of Nevriande is typically held on a case-by-case basis, though we strive for different levels of realism in different aspects of the roleplay. When it comes to character design, we are mostly realistic and ask for standard build and realistic appearances of characters. However, the canines and felines of Nevriande have human-level intelligence and sentience, and thus have (approximately) Bronze Age-level skills when it comes to crafting, building, learning, studying and performing actions. Characters in ToN can have oxen to pull large hauls of materials, use pulleys and levers to build magnificent structures and use dexterous movement of the claw or maw to use weapons, tools and to craft. Most of all, we strive to create an enjoyable experience, and while some things might seem a bit of a far stretch, we'd be more than willing to look past it and make it a minor "plot hole" to keep up with aesthetic and the enjoyment level of a fantasy server. Any questions about how or why something may be done can be asked and clarified upon by the server members and staff team! If you have a specific lore question, feel free to ask in the server lore request channel or look here!


While we require more realistic colorings and markings, we do our best to allow for creativity and room to make characters unique. Characters should have appearances that, while they may not pertain to their species or breed, still come off as naturalistic and believable on an animal. This includes but is not limited to: brindle on a panther, speckled markings on a wolf, domestic cat markings on a dog or anything in between. Eyes can be any color excluding white, pink, purple or red.


The weight and height of each character should be realistic for the species or species mix the character is. However, we do not have a weight maximum for characters as we more than welcome plus-size characters! Additionally, characters can be 3 inches taller or shorter than the typical range of their species if so desired! We currently only allow species & breeds that weigh in above 20 lbs and are taller than 12 inches at the withers. For dog breeds in particular, please check here for what is or is not allowed!


Characters in this roleplay are able to wear apparel and clothing of their liking, as long as it has a mildly realistic ability to be created. This is where realism is most fluid. Cloth, furs, metal, jewels and other materials can be crafted into an array of apparel and weaponry for your character to equip upon themselves! Armor, fur coats, bracers, piercings and other things of the sorts are most common in the server. More info can be found on this page!



Characters in this universe all have unanimous and elongated lifespans regardless of species. Of course, like humans, characters can age differently from one another, but this is just a general guide to our universe and the lifespans of the characters within it. The average age of death is 17 years old, with 21 years of age being the oldest known to exist. Typically, each year you age your oc is equivalent to 4 human years.

0 to 5 months - baby / toddler (newborn to 5 year old human).
5 to 11 months - child (6 to 12 year old human).
1 to 2 years - teenager (13 to 18 year old human).
2 to 5 years - young adult (18 to 30 year old human).
5 to 10 years - adult (30 to 50 year old human).
10 to 15 years - older adult (50 to 70 year old human).
15 - 19 years - elder (70 to 90 year old human).
19+ onward - ancient (90 years or older human).

Those with biologically female reproductive systems begin sexual maturity around 1.5 years and their breeding cycle ends around the age of 12. The typical age range for pregnancy is usually two to ten years old. Those with biologically male reproductive systems begin sexual maturity at a year and a half and their sexual cycle never ends, making them able to breed until death.


The major rule here is just to do your research and play accurately. Adding mental or physical health issues to your character is not a good option to make your character quirky or unique; it should add depth to your character, their struggles and successes, and their development. We allow all realistic mutations, disabilities and illnesses. However, members must fill out an information section of their character's bio for their given health issue.

a. description of the the disease / disorder.
b. symptoms present in your character.
c. how it impacts their life and living.


First Names
First names can be chosen for a variety of reasons ranging from aesthetic, tradition, history, nature or even just random impulse. We encourage choosing names that characters in this universe would realistically think of. First names can be anything from Frog to Cassiopeia. When picking names, keep in mind that cultural influences from our world don't exist in ToN's universe, such as cultures or religions. However, it is perfectly acceptable to have character's families with similar traditions to the cultures you're trying to derive from.

Last Names
In Nevriande, it is the social norm to have various origins for one's last name. The first is by marrying and taking your spouse's last name; usually, the last name chosen isn't chosen by gender but by preference that differs from couple to couple. Partners can also to choose to hyphenate their last names, changing it to a two-part last name. It is also considered normal for partners, and sometimes even individuals in certain circumstances, to choose a completely new last name for themselves to take as a family name.


NOTE: This segment went into affect as of April 2022, characters created before this rule change do exist (cannibalistic) but in limited quantities.

While this server is oriented towards being a slice-of-life roleplay and our real world does have tragic and dark stories within in it, Tales of Nevriande discourages and doesn't allow characters of a certain type of discomfort level to keep the server's integrity of a more casual and fun place. Below is a list of histories, topics and characters we do NOT welcome.


In Nevriande, it is not unheard of for canines and felines to develop unique bonds and relationships with animals. Smaller pets, such as birds, rodents, reptiles and aquatic life, can either be purchased from a storefront that specializes in pet sales or, rarely, bonded with in the wild through circumstance and patience.  Ask an admin before giving your oc a pet to insure they are allowed!

Work Animals
Larger animals, typically used for transport, protection or work, are usually purchased on a ranch or specialized purchasing location and very difficult to acquire through natural means. Ponies, especially, are a major factor in Nevriande. Please read the in depth lore about them here!