Honeyreach is a small village, a collection of cottages with hay-thatched rooves nestled among fields dotted with windmills and milling with herds of sheep which always seem to idle about right in the middle of the walkways. The land around Honeyreach is always laden with crops, the fields heavy and flourishing with different colors and scents depending on the season. Namely, the smell of honey also seems to always drift through the air, giving this village its name. Honeyreach exports heavy amounts of fresh produce, and earns a pretty penny for itself in doing so.

Though the folk here are usually busy, they don't let weariness seep into their hearts. Hospitality in Honeyreach is almost unmatched; it isn't often that they see visitors for any other reason beside traveling through. When fresh faces do linger, the locals have endless goodies to offer and share. The residents of Honeyreach would just about give the pelts off their backs to anyone in need, and strong bonds within the community run extraordinarily strong in this village. Honeyreach is the third village to branch off from Skyheimr. Eastern Fields's endless hills of rolling green proved to be fertile farmland, and those who were willing to toil the land flocked here, eventually forming a town. Honeyreach's current Chieftain is Buckley, a quiet and introspective dog who hopes to bring good to the village. 

size: small
symbol: sheep
colors: yellow & orange
population:  ~600
crime rate: low

♫ playlist: link


Produce & Grain

Honeyreach and the lands surrounding it, cultivated by the farmers of the village, provide vegetables, fruits, grains and other natural products to the Kingdom. They are renowned as the best place to directly get any type of produce or natural goods and they have perfected their craft over the decades. They have learned to live as each season allows. 


Alongside the growing side of Honeyreach's agricultural endeavors, they have learned to cultivate sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, goats and many other farm animals and critters for their naturally produced goods or for their meats. Honeyreach focuses more on the goods from the animal (eggs, milk, wool, etc) than the meat, and prefer to hunt outside of their paddocks for most meals.

Artisanal Goods

With knowledge of agriculture and livestock comes the benefit of learning what these lines of work can provide. Jams, jellies, cheese, milk, preservatives, jars, pickles, etc. -- all of these things are goods that Honeyreach has learned to perfect and thus sell in their farmer's market that they host each weekend for visitors and locals to sell and purchase goods.


The Day of Telling

In the warm summer months of Nevriande, Honeyreach had started a tradition with its residents of all ages to gather around a cozy fire to share stories as a form of getting to know each better. It helped enforce the bond everyone had with each other, and the hospitality that the village was renowned for. It was just among the village residents for quite some time. Referred to as 'The Day of Telling', it was a holiday almost all of Honeyreach's residents looked forward to. Here, all sorts of things could be shared varying from past experiences to scary stories to even humorous daily occurrences. It is a unspoken rule to keep the stories suitable for the younger participants of the gathering. Fairly recently, Honeyreach had made the decision to open up the holiday to every village and every individual from all walks of life. This way, many new friends could be made and the stories that could be shared now vary widely. Snacks are provided for the gathering, but it isn't anything that could be considered a buffet. All that is asked of the residents and guests alike is to be polite and courteous to everyone.


Cooking competitions and events are a way of life in Honeyreach. Annually, every autumn, the most drastic of competitions takes place, a large cookout is held for all of Nevriande. Celebrating the final harvest before winter, this autumnal celebration draws visitors from across the Kingdom. 

Lasting four to five days, Honeyreach invites its villagers to make the absolute finest dishes or even meals with honey. Participants may cook their foods and submit them to judges who are picked at random to be sampled. These foods range from sweet to savory and drinks are allowed as well. Not every honey-filled dish must be submitted into the competition either, as many individuals will make their food and either sell it or give it away. Hence the name 'Honeyfeast'. The winners of Honeyfeast will receive a special ribbon. And while only Honeyreach residents may compete, guests from all around Nevriande are welcomed to visit and try some of the mouth-watering food.

New Bond

Often throughout the months Honeyreach will see new faces and quite a few of those faces select the village to be their new home. Once a year, the village hosts a celebration for those that join their ranks and welcomes them with open arms. For residents only, a feast complete with music and playful attitudes awaits them. The village is eternally grateful to those that wish to live among them and those that still do, and will do its best to ensure they know that.

Throughout the day that New Bond takes place, new residents will likely see a surplus of individuals that wish to introduce themselves and get to know their new family member. They'll likely receive many gifts from the giving residents of the village and the Chieftan himself which will vary from foods, clothing, tools, or even neat little trinkets to be collected.


Architecture & Housing

Bonus Info


ranks with ☆ beside them are high ranks and must be approved by staff before creation!


Chieftain Buckley

The village Chieftain is entrusted by the Kingdom to oversee and maintain their village, keeping an eye on those who live there and ensuring that all of their needs are met. They are unable to create laws or punish large crimes against the Kingdom, but they do have a sense of independence and are given the authority to make smaller local decisions that are in the best interest of their home. The Chieftain works closely with the heads of each rank to form a sort of council that has the village's best interests in mind.

Residents in Honeyreach make up the body of the village, from the youngest child to the strongest of the guard. When it comes to the villages, most of the hierarchy is identical except for small editions or tweaks depending on what the village specializes in when it comes to their trade. Ranks are often chosen based on personal preference or their mental / physical prowess. Ranks are broad and characters can choose to specialize in one particular niche of their rank or have broad knowledge of it's entirety. When it comes to villages, the heads of the ranks all form a council to aid the chief in decision making and discussions. Any ranks that are exclusive to certain locations will be paired with an asterisk (*).

☆ head: none


Guards are those dedicated to defending their home, often keeping watch of a certain area they are posted in and making sure things remain safe and peaceful. 


Scouts are those who patrol the streets or areas around their region to ensure that there is no questionable or sketchy behavior afoot.


Hunters are those tasked with feeding and providing provisions for their home. They can choose to either hunt, set traps or gather wild foods and foliage. They can hunt as groups or independently.


Wranglers are those who tend and ensure that the livestock and cattle of the village are taken care of and protected. They often herd them, feed, water, protect and train them to assist workers when needed.

☆ head: none


The farmers of Honeyreach are skilled in raising, growing, cultivating, processing and preparing agricultural goods as per season. Beekeeping and floral farming is also a line of work.


Blacksmiths are skilled craftsmen who focus their trade on working with ore and metals to pound them into workable sheets and substances. They make tools, nails, and other practical supplies. 


Artisans are crafters who are tasked with creating various crafts, apparel, furniture, jewelry, etc. Usually artisans can focus on a specific niche or be a jack-of-all-trades and make whatever is needed of them.


Mentors dedicate their work to helping apprentices train and pick their own line of work in the future. They are usually knowledgeable in most lines of work and either teach or set up learning opportunities for their apprentices. 

☆ head: none


Couriers are tasked with sending and receiving parcels, letters and packages to and from their destination. Either tasked with official or casual messages, they usually travel quite often to complete their duties.


Medics follow the more medicinal and healing path of work. Often making salves, treating patients or healing the common cold, they care for the people and ensure everyone is healthy and cared for.


Clerics are those who chose to follow a more religious line of work, acting as those who dedicate themselves to their chosen religion and guide others who are interested or give spiritual advice as needed.


Vendors are those who are employed by their village and have little independently owned or village sponsored shops or stalls along the streets and marketplace. They do not travel from their location.


Apprentices are those training to find their career via a mentor, usually teens who are seeking their future job and calling. The length of their training depends on their path. Their graduation is decided upon once their mentor believes they're ready.


Residents are those who live in their village and either work at their own small business in the village or simply just reside there. This includes retired workers and also just those who are  unable to work physically or mentally. This includes the elderly & children, as well.