Breakwater is Nevriande's village on the ocean -- the newest town, and one of the boldest and brightest, it's an expansive collection of wooden buildings and docks. It was only built within the span of the last few generations, as boat travel became more popularized and luxury goods became more available. Banners stream grandly from homes and shop fronts in Breakwater, flying in a plethora of colors and hues. Sunlight streams down on this tropical paradise at all times; waves lap gently at the docks and the buildings scattered amongst them, and a salty sea breeze is always rolling in off the ocean's surface.

The village itself is shielded by cliffs and rock faces that arc around it on one side, glistening white in the sun. Breakwater's main export involves fishing, as well as whatever treasures can be dredged up from the deep. However, the town also exports an interesting variety of luxury goods. The resident and visitors who mill about this town reflect the unique array of merchandise that pours forth from Breakwater; many of the animals here are very different from each other, an eclectic mix of canines and felines that wander through the streets amidst the salty air. The atmosphere of Breakwater is fluid, ever-changing with the waves, seeing as how its inhabitants are ever-changing, too. Its current Chieftain is a young but spirited feline by the name of Bisa.

size: large
symbol: clam
colors: teal & lilac
population:  ~800
crime rate: medium

♫ playlist: link


Luxury Goods

Due to the beautiful scenery and the overall quality of life in Breakwater, along with it being the 'newest and brightest' village, it is a place that attracts those looking to spend coin on quality goods and experiences. Being by the water, the tourism business is booming here and many vendors with more expensive or finely crafted goods flock to Breakwater to sell their wares to those with larger coin purses.

Oceanside Benefits

Being in a tropical paradise, Breakwater attracts visitors and travelers due to its oceanside benefits that include tourism, romantic getaways/weddings, fishing, sea life and exploration. Walks along sandy beaches and buying goods or eating foods that only the most experienced of divers and trawlers can catch makes Breakwater a renowned place for its relationship with the sea it lives on.


Due to the sanctuary of the various islands of the gulf, Breakwater gets its fair share of pillaging, rowdiness and overall ill behavior from the local seafaring pirates that enjoy pestering its shores. Whether their crimes are looting coin or stealing your wife, they often cause grief to inattentive visitors and unsuspecting residents if they aren't keen to how the seadogs act and swindle others. 


Wedding Bells

Marriage ceremonies, whether they're complicated or simple, small or gigantic, will always have one aspect in common: the ocean. During the ceremony itself the couple will walk into the shallows and splash each other's faces with saltwater, preferably during the warmer months when it's more pleasant (meaning most marriages happen during the summer or autumn). The night of the ceremony the couple will swim out into deeper waters. What they do is ultimately up to the couple, but it's tradition for it to be spur of the moment. Many share stories, or tell secrets, or do their vows there and then. Some make plans for the future. The only prerequisite is that every word they say has to be entirely truthful, and in return it's said they get the favor of Fisk, the godling of water and wealth, which will help their marriage thrive - and some say that it helps it last until the sea stops churning.

Sunsplash Swim*

Living by the water is the heart that beats in all residents of Breakwater. From young cubs and pups learning to swim to the elderly residents finding the therapy of swimming loosening their sore joints. Sunsplash Swim is a weekend where the residents of Breakwater welcome all those across Nevriande to come to the shores and celebrate the warmer months by cooling off in the blue waters of Seaside Gulf.

From music, stalls packed with shells and other ocean-sourced goods, roasted seafood and grilled fruits, swimming lessons and swimming contests, this is a day of celebration and thankfulness for the sea and (for those who have faith) the sea god Fisk and his tending to the sea.

All youth who have recently learned to swim are considered their guests of honor.

Song of the Siren Day

Song of the Siren Day takes place in the second month of every year. This holiday is dedicated to displays of love to partners, family and friends. Romantic and platonic love is celebrated and cherished. This is typically a time for confessions of love and grand displays of compassion and affection.

Usually, shops and merchants will have sales, and leisurely spots will be packed with those celebrating the day or taking a walk on the town to enjoy one another's company. This is especially so for those coming from out of town, as Breakwater is the honeymooning capital of Nevriande. Feasts are sometimes thrown for others who aren't participating, or people who got left out or rejected, so they feel less alone.


Architecture & Housing

Bonus Info


ranks with ☆ beside them are high ranks and must be approved by staff before creation!


Chieftain Bisa

The village Chieftain is entrusted by the Kingdom to oversee and maintain their village, keeping an eye on those who live there and ensuring that all of their needs are met. They are unable to create laws or punish large crimes against the Kingdom, but they do have a sense of independence and are given the authority to make smaller local decisions that are in the best interest of their home. The Chieftain works closely with the heads of each rank to form a sort of council that has the village's best interests in mind.

Residents in Breakwater make up the body of the village, from the youngest child to the strongest of the guard. When it comes to the villages, most of the hierarchy is identical except for small editions or tweaks depending on what the village specializes in when it comes to their trade. Ranks are often chosen based on personal preference or their mental / physical skill. Ranks are broad and characters can choose to specialize in one particular niche of their rank or have broad knowledge of it's entirety. When it comes to villages, the heads of the ranks all form a council to aid the chief in decision making and discussions.  Any ranks that are exclusive to certain locations will be paired with an asterisk (*).

☆ head: reserved


Guards are those dedicated to defending their home, often keeping watch of a certain area they are posted in and making sure things remain safe and peaceful. 


Scouts are those who patrol the streets or areas around their region to ensure that there is no questionable or sketchy behavior afoot.


Hunters are those tasked with feeding and providing provisions for their home. They can choose to either hunt, set traps or gather wild foods and foliage. They can hunt as groups or independently.


Fishers are those who are tasked with spending their days at the water's shore, or on a boat to bring in water-based goods such as fish, crustaceans, and any other products that can be provided by the water.


Trawlers work closely with those in the fishing line of work to dive down to the sea floor and collect goodies, mostly clams and oysters for their meat and pearls, but also have learned to spear deeper dwelling fish and sea creatures.

☆ head: none


Blacksmiths are skilled craftsmen who focus their trade on working with ore and metals to pound them into workable sheets and substances. They make tools, nails, and other practical supplies. 


Charters are those who are tasked with transporting quantities of goods, workers and materials either by land or boat to get them from place to place in Nevriande. They either work independently or as a team of workers.


Artisans are crafters who are tasked with creating various crafts, apparel, furniture, jewelry, etc. Usually artisans can focus on a specific niche or be a jack-of-all-trades and make whatever is needed of them.

☆ head: open


Couriers are tasked with sending and receiving parcels, letters and packages to and from their destination. Either tasked with official or casual messages, they usually travel quite often to complete their duties.


Medics follow the more medicinal and healing path of work. Often making salves, treating patients or healing the common cold, they care for the people and ensure everyone is healthy and cared for.


Clerics are those who chose to follow a more religious line of work, acting as those who dedicate themselves to their chosen religion and guide others who are interested or give spiritual advice as needed.


Mentors dedicate their work to helping apprentices train and pick their own line of work in the future. They are usually knowledgeable in most lines of work and either teach or set up learning opportunities for their apprentices. 


Apprentices are those training to find their career via a mentor, starting at the age of one they begin seeking their future job and calling. The length of their training depends on their path. Their graduation is decided upon once their mentor believes they're ready.


Residents are those who live in their village and either work at their own small business in the village or simply just reside there. This includes retired workers and also just those who are  unable to work physically or mentally. This includes the elderly & children, as well.