The Kingdom of Skyheimr has thrived for 200 years, originating from a small city formed by locals seeking safety after a harsh winter. This humble beginning grew into Skyheimr, the capital, with six loyal villages expanding from it over time. Skyheimr serves as the kingdom's heart, with surrounding cities acting as veins that transport trade and goods. Each city is led by an elected Chieftain who meets annually with the monarch to discuss the kingdom’s affairs.
The Kingdom of Skyheimr governs the entire continent of Nevriande, requiring all residents to abide by its laws and recognize themselves as citizens. Chieftain elections are a respected and regular part of community life, ensuring dynamic and representative leadership across the kingdom. Join Nevriande and immerse yourself in a world where loyalty, governance, and community shape your journey. Where will your path lead you?
The Kingdom of Skyheimr is composed of its vibrant capital city and six unique towns and villages, each contributing distinct resources and culture to the realm.
Skyheimr, the bustling heart of the Kingdom, Skyheimr is a melting pot of diverse neighborhoods, lively markets, and the seat of governance, home to the castle and ruling royalty.
Northmaw, nestled at the foot of the mountains, this proud town is renowned for its skilled defenders and strong ties to regional security.
Wolf's Bluff, a rugged, frigid town with a thriving mining industry carved into its mountainside, vital for precious resources.
Riverstead, quietly perched along the river, this hub of trade and river fishing connects all of Nevriande with its steady flow of goods.
Bear Hollow, hidden in the bustling forests, Bear Hollow supplies lumber and game, essential for the Kingdom’s shelter and sustenance.
Honeyreach, a serene, cottagecore village in rolling hills, Honeyreach thrives on agriculture, honey production, and livestock farming.
Breakwater, a lively oceanside town with a romantic aesthetic, Breakwater offers a rich marine culture, luxurious goods, and exquisite jewelry -- when they aren't being harassed by the local pirates, of course.
How are laws made and chosen?
The legal systems in the Kingdom are very fluid, depending on the current ruler and their style of punishment and law creation. Despite this, core values and beliefs are usually kept rigid from ruler to ruler and not many changes are made. The biggest difference from ruler to ruler is in their style of punishment. Rulers more prone to nepotism or bribery can be more willing to look past crime, while other rulers are ruthless in their sentencing; the Kingdom is truly at the disposal of its royalty. Nevriande has been under the rule of the Dragomir family for many decades now, and they have been considered very neutral and fair leaders, though sometimes fickle and indecisive when pressed to make decisions on matters.
Who decides on sentencing and punishment?
Sentencing depends on the crime’s severity: Minor offenses (e.g., petty disputes) are managed by village Chieftains. Moderate crimes (e.g., theft) are documented and sent to the royal council and monarch for review and sentencing. Major offenses (e.g., murder or treason) are tried directly before the monarch and council. These trials allow for testimonies from victims, the accused, and any individuals who can vouch for innocence or guilt.
How are certain sentences chosen?
Punishments follow a general scale of severity: minor crimes receive lighter penalties, while severe offenses incur harsher consequences. Players should use common sense in interpreting the legal system, and staff approval is required for complex cases or creative loopholes. This system maintains order while allowing flexibility for creative storytelling within the roleplay.
Official Kingdom Law
i. The intentional harming, injuring or killing of another is prohibited. (lvl 6 - 9)
a. battery or assault, physically or with weapon/items
b. murder and killing of another, or the attempt to do so.
c. threats of harm can be investigated if reported.
d. an act of self-defense does not apply.
ii. Lying or forgery of official tender, documents or positions is prohibited. (lvl 2 - 5)
a. fake money, tender or currency
b. forged documents or paperwork
c. impersonating an official or royal
iii. The destruction or theft of the possessions of others is prohibited. (lvl 1 - 6)
a. burning, destroying or ruining others' owned belongings.
b. thievery through force or exploitation.
c. vandalism, though minor, is included.
iv. Do not challenge the rule of law or authority in treasonous measures. (lvl 1 - 9)
a. excludes expressing disapproval, complaints or criticisms of law, privately / officially.
b. staging a coupe, assassination or defamation attempt is punishable.
v. Respect the boundaries and territorial claims of individuals or groups. (lvl 2 - 5)
a. villages, individuals, families, groups are all welcome to claim open territory.
b . all territorial claims must be approved by the kingdom's royalty.
c. regardless of territory claims, the kingdom owns and has access to all land.
d. land can be revoked if misused or if too much conflict arises due to its claim.
Punishment Levels
Punishment levels can be combined as needed or as seen fit by the one sentencing.
level 1 · crime overlooked
verbal or written warning
level 2 · minor fine
small value of belongings or currency.
level 3 · community service
ranges from 1 month to 1 year.
level 4 · major fine
large value of belongings or currency.
level 5 · short imprisonment
one year or less.
level 6 · imprisonment
one to five years.
level 7 · extended imprisonment
five years to life.
level 8 · banishment
exile from the Kingdom.
level 9 · execution
being put to death.
The Kingdom ensures the construction and upkeep of roads and pathways across the realm. Major routes are mapped, while commonly used off-road trails are also widely known and navigable. Travelers can rely on trained animals, such as cart-pullers, for transportation. Some residents even specialize in pulling carts or sleds themselves, often forming teams for larger loads or long-distance travel. Boats provide another vital means of transportation.
The Midway River and Nevriande Sea connect the continent, supporting both commerce and travel. Larger ships ferry passengers between major hubs, while smaller boats are accessible for individual ownership and use. Whether by land or water, Nevriande offers a variety of options for adventurers and merchants alike.
The Kingdom of Skyheimr has honed a seamless system for sourcing, processing, and exporting goods across its villages and the capital. The villages function like interconnected gears in a well-oiled machine; some specialize in gathering raw materials, others in processing, and some focus on trade and distribution. Essential resources such as lumber, food, clean water, armor, weaponry, medicine, and protection circulate freely through an established supply and demand chain.
Each village excels in specific trades and often barters with others, fostering collaboration and mutual support. In times of need or crisis, this network ensures that aid and resources reach all corners of the Kingdom. This robust trade system sustains the Kingdom's prosperity and strengthens bonds between its settlements.
Education is a cornerstone of life in the Kingdom of Skyheimr. It is strongly encouraged, if not practically mandatory, for all residents to pursue learning and pass that knowledge on to future generations. Children are required to complete apprenticeships regardless of social class or skill level.
These apprenticeships serve a dual purpose: preparing youth for specific careers and teaching essential life skills. Core subjects include history, basic math, and writing, which are considered vital to individual success and the Kingdom’s prosperity. Participation in an apprenticeship is a universal expectation, with exceptions granted only in extreme circumstances. This system ensures that all citizens are equipped with the tools to contribute meaningfully to the Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Nevriande strives to maintain detailed records of its citizens, collecting birth certificates and documentation for those born or residing within its borders. This effort is focused primarily on the capital and villages, as tracking individuals in independent groups or among loners remains challenging.
For those outside the Kingdom's immediate system, rewards are offered in exchange for submitting personal records. This initiative encourages wider participation and helps integrate outliers into the Kingdom’s registries.
Each record is kept on parchment and includes:
An ink imprint of the individual's paw and nose.
A tuft of fur to capture their scent.
Their full name written in ink, or just a signature if they're can't legibly write.
These documents are stored within the resident’s village, ensuring that every community manages its own local records while contributing to the Kingdom’s broader census efforts.
Coat of Arms
In Nevriande, many families and groups, particularly within the Kingdom and its villages, take great pride in their unique coats of arms. These symbols, ranging from simple color patterns to intricate designs, are used to represent family heritage, values, and identity.
These crests often appear on banners, flags, and other personal items, serving as a visible mark of a family’s lineage or a group’s unity. Whether bold and colorful or subtle and refined, each coat of arms tells a story about the family or faction it represents.
I use this free website to make them: click!
The current ruling family is the Dragomir family.
The Dragomir family has ruled for nearly 20 years, starting with King Leer Dragomir. Leer became king after the previous ruler, King Gebhart, who had no heirs, passed the throne to him as his trusted lord. Since then, the Dragomir family has remained popular with the people, thanks to their commitment to altruism and self-sovereignty.
Dragomir Royal Family
* = npc