O T H E R   G R O U P S

In Tales of Nevriande, we allow our users to make their own groups that other members can have their characters join! These small groups can range from a small band of no more than five characters all the way up to a large group that has dozens. From merchant bands, criminal gangs, farming families or traveling hunters, we allow all kinds of creative opportunities to make your own groups and alliances to further your stories. These groups are separate from the villages and often live in their own locations outside of the standard towns. However, some groups that act more as memberships (such as secret societies, etc.) can have members scattered around the Kingdom.

Small groups can be in support, neutral, or against the Kingdom in their political alignment. Some groups can ally with the Kingdom in return for their support and aid, if needed, while some can act as oppositional groups who often turn a cold shoulder to the Kingdom and its reign over all of Nevriande.


created by: hypothermia

The Serpent's Ring is a fight club hosted in the catacombs beneath Skyheimr. Their main motive is swindling people into debt and having them repay their dues by fighting for them in fight ring to entertain guests who wish to wager bets on the fight. Many can partake as full-time members or part-time members. 

created by: hypothermia

The Dirty Howl is a pirate ship and crew that roams the waters of Nevriande. However, much unlike the typical ruffians that prowl the sea, these pirates are rather... quaint. Flowery, flirtatious and more keen on adventure than pillaging, they offer their marine services to protect traveling Kingdom ships.

created by: fawned

Based in Seabreeze Sanctuary near Breakwater and Honeyreach, The Paladins are a group of swords-for-hire available to those across the kingdom that are in need of their services. Be it a simple task at hand or a daunting feat that only a band of seasoned warriors could accomplish, The Paladins aim never to turn away anyone in need.

created by: hellocryptid

The Scarlet Rose is an underground syndicate based in Skyheimr and headed by a taeral panther named Vikaanii. Their primary goal is overthrowing Queen Caspian, and placing Vikaanii on the throne in her place, as he and most of his followers believe he would be a better ruler.



The only requirements to make your own group are to be generally active for a period of one month and also to have two other members who have expressed interest in joining with plans to make future members for it. Group information must be put onto its own doc or website, such as wix or carrd. Below you can find the requirements.


These groups need to be structured in a way that allows for them to function realistically in the universe. Not all groups need ranks, but make sure groups have all of the following before applying: a solid goal / purpose and a membership system (are they all equal? hierarchy?) that is explained. To get started, ask an admin!


It is completely allowed for small groups to only be open to a certain kind of character! This can make more unique experiences. Groups can be limited based on species, gender, job, morals, etc. Whether it's limited based on tradition or on prejudice or bias, we encourage you to explore various options for your group!

Group Creation Format