The map below is the detailed version of Nevriande's map, including the more major regions and geographical feature names, the bodies of water, the villages and capital city and the major travel routes between the kingdom.

Time in Tales of Nevriande
2 IRL Months = 1 Nevriande Month
[ click here for monthly event calendar ]

Size & Distances

north to south - 180 miles / 290 km ; typically a 6 day journey.
east to west - 90 miles / 145 km ; typically a 3 day journey.

Travel time is based off of a maximum of 30 miles of walking per day
which is typically the amount of miles wolves travel in a day. Travel times between the villages vary, feel free to ask if you're unsure!Β 

Geography & Travel

highest point - highpeak mountain tops, divine's reach.
lowest point -Β  seaside gulf beach sides and islands.

The entire continent is connected either by travel routes and foothills or by waterways via boat that are guarded by the villages and Skyheimr. Boats can travel by land or sea. Pathways are available for wagons and walking on foot.

map created using Inkarnate by hypothermia#6987


The land beyond Nevriande is inhabited by other canines and felines, thus making it a place for a character to originate from or depart towards during their journey and development. Those in Nevriande usually never have left the kingdom's bounds, due to how well maintained and advanced the region is, but some know of the lands that lay beyond its vast reach, though not much is known except from the stories they carry with them. Different languages, knowledge and accents can be brought from lands beyond Nevriande and have also bled into certain families and cultures in the Kingdom. All characters from beyond Nevriande will still need their histories approved by staff for realism.

Towards the north, past the mountains and traveling by boat up into the pale sea opens towards a cold arctic landscape that is mountainous and unforgiving. This body of water stretches far past the Highpeak and Chillspine mountains, though its waters can carry treasures to the shores in Nevriande.

Towards the west, most of the territory is ocean and so those who come from this way travel exclusively by boat from islands of varying sizes and industrialization. To the very southwest lies the Red Desert which is vast and seemingly impassable in its distant reach. The land beyond it is rumored to be similar to Nevriande.

To the south, past the open grasslands and rolling hills, the Red Desert cuts a swath into the grassy plains to continue its large sprawling claim on most known southern land. However, it is known that there is another kingdom known as Haevell similar to Nevriande that is similar in evolutionary and industrialized progress, and many migrate to and from the region. It is approximately a two weeks journey away, through vast prairie and parts of the Red Desert.Β 

In the east, the great Greenwood forest stretches for an unfathomable distance, numerous groups and settlers similar to the ones in Nevriande known to live in its expanse. The bleak woodland is the farthest that most of those in Nevriande care to go through, as the rotted woodland offers a promise of unfamiliarity onceΒ  one leaves the kingdom. However, it can also stand as a sign of change to those entering the region as well.

* It should be noted that this is open to interpretation and when making your character from a distant land, feel free to consult an admin about how you can shape the lore of what is known beyond the region!Β