Skyheimr is the capital city of Nevriande, and thus thrums with life much like the heart of the Kingdom it is. Nested at the foot of the mountains, brushed up against the Skyreach Lake, Skyheimr is an impressive sight for anyone who lives or visits it. Due to it being the host of the castle and the royalty of Nevriande, it is not only an epicenter of life for the Kingdom, but it also acts as the central location of its power and government. This is where village Chieftains meet at summit and where all those across the continent come to appeal for a better life or adjustments to the way Nevriande is run. The city of Skyheimr boasts a city with great architecture and a treasure trove of unique buildings, locations and hole-in-the-walls for residents and visitors alike to poke their noses into. Heavily guarded and protected, it is the safest place in Skyheimr, yet also one of the best to become lost in for those looking to lie low. Its crowded streets and marketplaces make great opportunity for merchants, explorers, thieves and those in between. A place where anyone can become anything, Skyheimr is a melting pot of animals with various religions, species, business, trades and walks of life intermingling in one large city.

Skyheimr was the first settlement in Nevriande, having grown until its residents felt comfortable enough setting out to set up outside villages, which orbit it like planets to the sun. Skyheimr remained an focal point for the Kingdom and eventually became its capital. It has the oldest history and the richest bloodlines, but in recent times has become very diverse in every facet of its existence. Its representative colors are typically white and gold, with the image of a sun. Many holidays and events are hosted or celebrated here, with all those across Nevriande welcome to enjoy themselves within the city's walls. The current Queen of Skyheimr and Nevriande is Caspian, a benevolent though inexperienced leader who is learning to pick up from where her parents left off.

size:  giant
symbol: sun
colors: white & gold
population:  ~3000
crime rate: average

♫ playlist: link



Skyheimr is most well-known for being the central location of the government in Nevriande. With royalty living in the castle and the Chieftains coming to Skyheimr for the annual summit, it is a central location for lawmaking and general governing of the land when it comes to how the Kingdom is run. t is also where characters can take out loans and ask the government for support.

Dragomir College

Opened by the late King Ronan Dragomir, the Dragomir College is a place where anyone -- regardless of age -- can attend to fine tune their knowledge, at a steep price. It is quite expensive to attend the school, but the knowledge and connections gained are unparalleled. Students eat, live and study here. Scholars teach here, often focusing on one niche subject to teach and perfect one's interests. 


Due to the government being set up in Skyheimr, it is the central location for the jurisdiction and sentences of most crimes against the kingdom of Skyheimr. Trials are held before royalty, depending on the severity, and criminals are sentenced to a just and fair punishment in return.


holidays with * beside them are roleplay events and their scheduled time can be found here!

The Day of Light

This holiday is held to celebrate when the first village of Northmaw was officially settled, thus starting the expansion of the Kingdom and its official reign. It is typically a great feast. Banquet tables stretch across the expanse of the great hall of the castle, laden with vegetables and pies and roasted meats as far as the eye can see.  Merchants line the streets of the city, peddling snacks, jewelry, and trinkets commemorating the event.

In the center of the city square, the King or Queen gives a small speech about the holiday and, upon giving a toast to the rest of the kingdom, sets the holiday festivities to begin. 

Lantern Festival*

On the summer solstice, people from every village in Nevriande and beyond gather in the capital of Skyheimr for this cherished festival. Tradition calls for each participant to write or whisper a wish for the coming year into a small paper lantern, then release it into the sky or onto Skyheimr's lake. The horizon fills with countless warm lights, and residents from across the kingdom stand with their gaze lifted toward the radiant display above.

Many choose to sail onto the lake, launching their lanterns from the water itself, so the horizon shimmers with lights both above and below. Lanterns float like stars across the lake’s surface, their gentle glow mirrored in the rippling water, casting a dreamy, flickering reflection that dances with the lake's natural rhythm.

All Howl's Eve

All Howls' Eve occurs at the heart of fall in Nevriande. Deep into the autumnal season, just when all the leaves turn their warmest shades and the wind coils coldly around the fur of any who walk the land, a holiday meant to send an even deeper chill down anyone's spine is celebrated during these spooky times of year.

All Howl's Eve is a holiday that encourages the tendency toward the spookier and playful side of life, with costume contests, vegetable carving, drinks, parties and trickery all around. It is a time of ghouls and goons, and anyone out late on the eve can expect their night to embrace the spirit of haunted fiends and sweet things.


Architecture & Housing

Bonus Info


ranks with ☆ beside them are high ranks and must be approved by staff before creation!

Nevriande Royalty consists of those who are the highest ranking and most respected in all of Nevriande. Their duty is to make, oversee and upkeep the laws of the Kingdom to ensure that the needs of every resident is met, regardless of circumstance. They are well known throughout the Kingdom, reside in Skyheimr, and are typically a topic of hot debate when it comes to politics and socioeconomic factors. 


The King / Queen is the highest-ruling rank in all of Nevriande. They are responsible for maintaining the best interest of the kingdom, establishing order, carrying out justice, resolving disputes, upholding the law and generally protecting the land they oversee and rule. They typically come into power via bloodlines or marriage, though they can also be voted in or out by a unanimous vote of the village chieftains. The Queen works closely with royalty, the high guild and the head of the ranks to form a sort of council to discuss the best moves for the Kingdom and Skyheimr.



01 of 01
Currently held by Torbjörn

The Lord / Lady is the second highest rank in Nevriande, working as a supporter and advisor of the King or Queen. They aid in administering justice and resolving disputes for more minor or subsidiary occasions. When the King or Queen is unavailable, this is the trusted official to take their place until they return. They can come into their position by being hand-chosen by the King/Queen or by being elected by the village chieftains unanimously.


01 of 04
Currently held by Sage, ----, ---- & ----

The Councilors of Nevriande are those who control certain aspects of the government to aid in the ease of workload on the higher ranking royalty. They often meet in a council with the other royals. This position is earned by notable skill or by ranking up.

Captain of the Guard (war & protection) - Sage
Magistrate ( historian & treasurer) - open
Ambassador ( villages & society ) - open
Wildkeeper ( environment & animals) - open


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This position is flexible.

The Noble position is held by anyone that is the partner or offspring of a member of royalty in Nevriande. They often live in with their family member, though they have no real role in the government beyond being the support system and aid of their partner or parent, as seen fit or as needed. They can occasionally rule in their place if they've gained the approval and training to do so.


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Honored ranks are various supporting roles to  the castle and the royals living within it. Whether it is a handmaiden to the queen, a performing jester or a personal courier, these are specified roles for those who work in the castle and provide support to the royal family and those associated with it. There may only be one of each of these roles if one has already been taken.

Roles; falconer, court jester, herald , steward , head chef , castle groundskeeper, royal healer, queen's ship captain , lady in waiting , scullion , page , etc.


The High Guild is an association of those who have achieved great status in Nevriande through hard work and/or dedication to the Kingdom. They are in more advanced positions than most others and are often greatly respected by Chieftains and residents alike, giving them great persuasion abilities when it comes to social and political decision making and things of a similar nature. They can live in any village though their work typically requires them to travel quite often.


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Valeskar, open, open, open

Deacons are those who are held in high esteem by the royalty of Nevriande. Those who ascend to this rank are often those who have done an act or deed of exceptional care and loyalty to the Kingdom and even to Nevriande itself. They often keep a watchful eye around Nevriande and bring anything of note to attention of the higher ups as they see fit. They have the greatest persuasion of the High Guild and can often help sway the tides of political decisions.


01 of 04
Noble, open, open, open

Knights are those who are the direct agents of Royalty and the Captain of the Guard. They are some of the most skilled and renowned protectors and guardians and thus often keep post at the castle and alongside royalty or Chieftains. They are often mentors to those currently in the guard and rarely leave their assigned posts, dedicated to their task of protecting and serving those who run Nevriande. 


02 of 04
Blaze, Lacy, open, open

Bounty Hunters are those who put their skill towards the pursuit and collecting of an individual on the go. This role is very hard to get accepted into, as it requires utmost stamina and willingness to put yourself in harms way to collect those wanted for criminal questioning or sentencing that have gone on the run or aren't easily found. They often dock their tails as a tradition to remove an additional appendage to be grabbed / injured.


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Emissaries are part of a group of five that travels around Nevriande surveying the land and reporting how it is faring back to royalty, if they deem it important, so they can distribute resources as needed. From the desolate mountain tops to the center of the busy village squares, they keep detailed scrolls and letters to turn in to Skyheimr every six months before returning to repeat their route once more.

The group consists of five positions:

Ambassador - reserved for Ezel ; while all equal, they are the most experienced. the leader and head of the group.
Scribe reserve ? semi-open ; makes and collects sketches, writings and records of travels and natural environment.
Navigator - reserved for Luella ; travel coordinator, skilled with star navigation and cartography. keeps the guild on time.
Scholar - reserved for Evender ; extremely knowledgeable, a walking resource library to help understand information.
Shield - Scarecrow ; the muscle, they protect the group and tend to the camp, supplies, animals and food.

Residents in Skyheimr are those who are the working class. These folk are the heart of the working system in any village or city and are often highly skilled in a craft of their choosing. When it comes to Nevriande, most of the hierarchy throughout the residents are relatively identical except for small differences when it comes to certain trades or skills being more popular in various groups. These ranks are often chosen based on personal preference or physical/mental prowess. The ranks are broad and characters often can specialize in a certain niche of their rank or have a broad amount of knowledge! Some ranks have lead positions to oversee goings on. Pups and cubs do not have ranks. Any ranks that are exclusive to certain locations will be paired with an asterisk (*).

head: Valeskar


Guards are those dedicated to defending their home, often keeping watch of a certain area they are posted in and making sure things remain safe and peaceful. 


Scouts are those who patrol the streets or areas around their region to ensure that there is no questionable or sketchy behavior afoot. 


Hunters are those tasked with feeding and providing provisions for their home. They can choose to either hunt, set traps or gather wild foods and foliage. They can hunt as groups or independently.


Fishers are those who are tasked with spending their days at the water's shore, or on a boat to bring in water-based goods such as fish, crustaceans, and any other products that can be provided by the water.

☆ head: none


Couriers are tasked with sending and receiving parcels, letters and packages to and from their destination. Either tasked with official or casual messages, they usually travel quite often to complete their duties.


Artisans are crafters who are tasked with creating various crafts, apparel and other such things. Usually artisans can focus on a specific niche or be a jack-of-all-trades and make whatever is needed of them.


Blacksmiths are skilled craftsmen who specialize in working with ore, metals and fire to create metal tools, weapons or armor. Their work is hard and tiring but shows great reward.


Medics follow the more medicinal and healing path of work. Often making salves, treating patients or healing the common cold, they care for the people and ensure everyone is healthy and cared for.



Vendors are those who are employed by the Kingdom and have little independently owned or Kingdom sponsored shops or stalls along the streets and marketplace. They do not travel from their location.

☆ head:  none


Scholars are elevated teachers who instruct a specific subject at Dragomir College. They are considered very knowledgeable in most niche things and it is not uncommon for those who teach here to be considered the top of their fields.


Clerics are those who chose to follow a more religious line of work, acting as those who dedicate themselves to their chosen religion and guide others who are interested or give spiritual advice as needed.


Mentors dedicate their work to helping apprentices train and pick their own line of work in the future. They are usually knowledgeable in most lines of work, and either teach or set up learning opportunities for their apprentices.


Charters are those who are tasked with transporting quantities of goods, workers and materials either by land or boat to get them from place to place in Nevriande. They either work independently or as a team of workers.


Apprentices are those training to find their career via a mentor, usually teens who are seeking their future job and calling. The length of their training depends on their path. Their graduation is decided upon once their mentor believes they're ready.


Residents are those who live in the Kingdom and either work at their own small business / trade (baking, florist, librarian, etc) or just simply live there without being employed.  This includes the elderly and children, as well.


Felons are those who have been convicted of a crime and either are serving their sentences in prison or by doing some type of labor or service to the Kingdom to repay it.

Outsiders are those who do not show their loyalty to the Kingdom and choose not to partake in its conventions or live in its villages. They are often wanderers or nomads, choosing to not settle anywhere and not follow any leader. Loners can be a large variety of folk and are simply just those who don't live in a village or in Skyheimr, though they may visit there often.


Merchants are those who travel across Nevriande to peddle and sell their goods or services to whoever they happen across during their travels. Merchant defer from Vendors as they do not reside in Skyheimr and they do not work for the Kingdom.


Loners are those who aren't loyal to a home, and instead choose to live outside of the villages or city without much interest in taking a rank or participating in modern society.